
Chromalition Poster


Lead Gameplay Programmer

Chromalition is an adventure game where you and a group of rollerblading street artists fight to take back the streets and bring color and art back to a whitewashed city. This game is developed in Unreal engine.

This game is made with a team of 9 people including 3 Programmers, 3 Artists, 1 Technical artist, 1 Designer and 1 Producer.

Steam link -

Here is the trailer :

Being the lead gameplay programmer in the team, I had the chance to bring life to some cool mechanics of the game.

Flatten Mechanics: The player can turn into paint-like substance and move around the city, leaving a paint trail along the way. The player can also run on the walls and hug into corners while in the flatten mode. I’ve altered the size of the capsule component of the player to shrink the player size. Tweaked the physics constraints to give it a real smooth and accelerated movement.


Kickoff Mechanics: Player can use the enemies to enter into the kickoff mode where the time slows down, and the player can choose a direction to boost, thrusting the enemy in the opposite direction as they finish kickoff. Used the time dilation to slow down the game, used events and callbacks to achieve the thrusting and boosting of the character at the appropriate times.


Wall-run Mechanics: The player can hug and run on walls. Used Line-tracing and sphere-tracing to get the collided walls and add force to the player forward direction to move the player. I checked for the wall corners by projecting a line-trace from a point, in the forward direction of the player, to a point towards the edges. I calculated the angle needed to rotate based on the normal of the line-trace and applied it at the time the player reaches the corner to achieve the desired effect. Some additional checks are also performed based on the player position while trying to get into the wall run to make it a smooth transition.We play-tested often and iterated the mechanics to make it feel best for the players.


Apart from the player mechanics, I’ve also designed and implemented the enemy behaviors for the kickoff. I've implemented the Quick Time events. I’ve also coded a tool that helps the level designers to place and specify the behavior of some in-game interactable objects. Each of these objects has a unique action that needs to be executed upon the player interaction, and this behavior can be set up using the tool.