

Gameplay Programmer

FlapVR is a Mixed Reality game developed using Unity & Microsoft Mixed Reality Toolkit. This game is inspired by the Flappy bird game and is set up in a “DADAISM” inspired art environment. The primary goal is to reach all the checkpoints, but the player can also choose to explore and flap through the game world.

Here is the link to the game build : https://kentcphan.itch.io/flap-vr

I’m one of the two programmers who worked on this game. The main mechanics of the game is to fly based on the flapping motion of the controllers. We designed and developed the flapping mechanics to be intuitive and easy to learn for the player. We developed the mechanics mostly adhering to the principles of physics, providing the upward thrust based on how fast you flap the controllers. But then, we also didn’t want the players to continually wave their hands throughout the game as it is very tiring and frustrating. So, we added leeway times in between, so that when you reach a certain height, we set up a little cooldown time before the gravity kicks in and you begin to fall, which also cues the player that it’s time for another flap.

Along with the mechanics, I’ve also programmed the UI, the pause, and the start menu. I’ve also developed a scalable and robust checkpoint system, which records the number of checkpoints collected and the ones left to collect.